I always try to eat delicious food. Unfortunately I don't have that much money, so I have to cook a lot of it at home. But thats OK because I love cooking and I love eating at home with my wife. This is a website with my favorite recipes and a little bit of commentary.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Deviled Eggs with Smoked Paprika

I was reading in myGourmet Cookbook about Smoked Paprika. Apparently most Hungarian paprika is sun dried but in Spain it is smoked. I bought a bottle and tried out the Gourmet Cookbook recipe for deviled eggs.

Deviled Eggs with Smoked Paprika

6 hard boiled eggs, split lengthwise
1/4 cup mayo
1 t Dijon mustard
1/4 t salt
sprinkling of smoked paprika

Combine egg yolks, mayo and Dijon mustard in a bowl with salt. Mash up real well. Place the mixture into the egg halves and sprinkle with smoked paprika.