Sunday, September 07, 2008

Race and Lunch with Sleazy T

I had a really good day on Saturday. I went down to Des Moines to race in the Governor's Cup. The Governor himself handed out medals and his wife did the announcements.

His son was also hanging about the podium.

I ran the 8K and posted my record time for that distance. In fact, I beat my best time by a full 2 minutes! I was glad because I haven't really felt like I have been racing all that well lately.

After the race Das Sleazemeister and I watched a little of the Hawkeye game and then went for lunch. We were going to go to one of my favorites, The Royal Mile, but Sleazy T was sick and didn't think he could handle greasy pub food.

Instead we went to this little hole in the wall Italian joint on the south side. Can you say HEAVAN? I got a coppacola sandwhich which was served on a hogie with marinara and cheese in the bun. MMM!