Sunday, August 03, 2008

Update from the Jackson Hole Correspondent

Our man in Jackson Hole sends the following word:

Damn-near dropped a lung hiking up to Amphitheater Lake today, which is at an elevation of close to 9,700 feet.

The trail head is around 6,400 feet. Round trip the hike is 9.6 miles. Plenty for a guy not used to the altitude. The vista is serene at the destination. The Grand Teton looms in the background. I did not dare taking a dip in the lake. The air temperature is none too warm up there. Glad I made the trip though. I was due for an adventure since I've been busy at work the past week and a half. In one picture I snapped and included with this update, I was waiting for Julie Andrews to bound into the frame. That particular picture shows Bradley and Taggart Lakes.
Editor's note - suggested listening music: