I always try to eat delicious food. Unfortunately I don't have that much money, so I have to cook a lot of it at home. But thats OK because I love cooking and I love eating at home with my wife. This is a website with my favorite recipes and a little bit of commentary.

Monday, February 07, 2005

More Garden City Eateries

For the Superbowl we decided not to go out to eat. The apartment is equiped with a rudimentary communal kitchen. About the best I could do was spaghetti with garlic bread. It was pretty good. I just used some hamburger and added it to some Newman's Own sauce.

We ate at the Jade Buffet last week. I must say that again I was very impressed by the quality of the food. It was at least as good as the places that we used to eat at in China Town in Chicago. The decor was also very interesting. They had the typical Chinese lamps hanging from the cieling. Hanging from these lamps were strings of firecrackers. It was pretty sweet. I bet on 4th of July they have a tray of firecrackers right there in the buffet, and you dish a few of those up and light them off at will at your table. They also had a gigantic painting of these cranes about to land in a pond with mountains and other Asian influenced things. The painting was equiped with light displays of different colors. One of the light trails was supposed to indicate that the cranes were flying, but the colored bulb got replaced with a standard white lightbulb, so the effect was much more suggestive of a crane flying over a pond and letting loose his rather ample bowels. We were so moved, we composed a Haiku:

The crane flies over
Looking for a very nice place
to take a large dump

On Saturday we ate at the Lone Star Steak House. It was pretty good. The steaks out here are of high quality because of all the numerous packing plants. We had bread pudding with bourbon sauce, which was magnificant.

Tonight we are planning on going to a Vietnamese place called Phouk Dhat. I will have to post a review tomorrow.